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- Final Edition -

By subscribing to Endless Reiki, you embark on a unique healing journey,

where you'll receive Reiki

every day for 30 days

at the price typically charged for just

one session.

Join Today For Only



$ 97

We're not going to tell you how

Endless Reiki can change your life.

We'll let our customers tell you.

Samantha B.,

Los Angeles


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"Before discovering Endless Reiki, I was caught in a cycle of stress eating that I couldn't break free from. It felt like food was my only comfort during tough times. But just one month into the Endless Reiki program, I've found a new source of solace. The daily Reiki sessions have significantly reduced my anxiety levels, and I no longer turn to food for emotional support. It's not just about the weight I've lost; it's the peace and balance I've gained. Endless Reiki has truly changed my relationship with food and myself."

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Emily A., San Diego


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"During my pregnancy, Endless Reiki sessions provided not just comfort but a unique bond with my

unborn child. It eased my discomfort and soothed my anxieties about motherhood, making the journey

nurturing for us both."

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Jane S.,

New York


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"I've struggled with my weight for years, always using food as a way to deal with stress and anxiety. Nothing seemed to help until I tried Endless Reiki. The program has been a revelation. Not only have I stopped my compulsive eating habits, but I've also started losing weight without the constant battle. The daily sessions bring me a sense of calm and well-being that I've never experienced before. I'm so grateful for this journey and can't recommend Endless Reiki enough."

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Vanessa H.,



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"Endless Reiki transformed my restless nights into sessions of deep, peaceful sleep.

The rejuvenation I

feel each morning is remarkable, introducing me to a level of rest I hadn't experienced before.

It's been a life-changer."

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Lauren A.,



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"Endless Reiki has been a cornerstone in my journey to a healthier lifestyle. As someone who used to stress eat, I was amazed at how the program helped curb my cravings and emotional eating. The shift was subtle at first, but profoundly impactful over time. With each Reiki session, I felt more in tune with my body's needs, leading to healthier choices and a significant weight loss that felt effortless. More than the pounds shed, it's the emotional resilience and peace I've gained that I value most."

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Jessica D., Nashville


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"Endless Reiki transformed my restless nights into sessions of deep, peaceful sleep.

The rejuvenation I

feel each morning is remarkable, introducing me to a level of rest I hadn't experienced before.

It's been a life-changer."

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Derek S., Chicago


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"Endless Reiki has been a cornerstone in transforming my job-induced anxiety into clarity and strength.

My sessions have significantly reduced my anxiety, proving transformative for both my mental health

and professional life."

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Linda M., Baltimore


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"Endless Reiki has been a revelation for my chronic fatigue, enhancing my energy levels more than I

could have imagined. It's amazing how much more lively and fulfilled I feel with this newfound vitality."

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Sarah L., Philadelphia


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"Dealing with depression felt like an endless night. Endless Reiki brought daylight back into my life,

lifting my spirits and instilling hope. It's been a crucial part of my journey back to joy and normalcy."

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Michael D., Washington D.C.


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"Leading a team in today's fast-paced environment can be overwhelming. Endless Reiki has not only

improved my leadership skills by enhancing my clarity and decision-making but also boosted team

morale as I’ve become more centered and approachable."

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Margaret R., Phoenix


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"Age is just a number, but sometimes, it comes with challenges. Endless Reiki has been my fountain of

youth, easing my aches, uplifting my spirit, and keeping me active and engaged in life’s joys.

Thank you so much!"

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Ethan J., Portland


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""Writer's block was my worst enemy until I found Endless Reiki. Now, creativity flows freely, and my

writing has never been more vibrant or authentic. It’s like unlocking a door to endless inspiration."

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Alex J., Seattle


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"Being a new parent felt overwhelming until Endless Reiki provided me with calm and vitality amidst the

sleepless nights and new challenges. Finding peace and energy has made all the difference in embracing


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Tina K., Boston


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"Skeptical at first, I was amazed at how Endless Reiki eased my post-surgery pain and sped up my

recovery. It perfectly complemented my medical treatment, providing relief and strength during a critical


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- Kevin B., Cambridge


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"Endless Reiki has been a game-changer for managing university stress and anxiety, improving my focus

and bringing balance to both my studies and personal life. It's been transformative in achieving academic

and personal growth."

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Our method is revolutionary and delivers effective results by combining the centuries-old and proven therapy of Reiki with the intensity of daily application.

It's coupled with practicality, convenience, and is extremely financially accessible.

Your Journey with Endless Reiki:

What Happens After You Subscribe

You will embark on a unique healing journey, where you'll receive Reiki every day for 30 days at the price typically charged for just one session.


Here’s what you can expect:

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Daily Sessions: At your preferred time, one of our certified Reiki masters will channel a distance Reiki session specifically for you,

without the need for a video call.

This flexibility allows you to receive the healing energy of Reiki seamlessly, fitting perfectly into your daily routine without interruption.

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No Interruptions to Your Routine: There is no need to pause your daily activities to receive Reiki. Our approach allows you to integrate Reiki healing into your life seamlessly, promoting ongoing well-being and balance.

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Who Is This Service For?

  • Busy Professionals: Find calm within chaos, fitting seamlessly into any schedule.
  • Parents and Caregivers: Replenish your energy and manage caregiving with grace.
  • Individuals with Health Concerns: Complement your healing journey with gentle energy work.
  • Seekers of Emotional Balance: Ease anxiety, uplift your mood, and restore emotional equilibrium.
  • Spiritual Enthusiasts: Deepen your connection to self and the universe.

  • Pregnant Women: Support a peaceful pregnancy with nurturing energy for both you and your baby.
  • Elderly: Enhance well-being and comfort in later years with restorative Reiki.
  • Those Experiencing Sleep Issues: Discover relief from insomnia and sleep disturbances, promoting restful nights and energetic mornings.
  • Everyone Seeking Wellness: Whether you're new to energy healing or looking to maintain holistic health, Endless Reiki is your gateway to a balanced life.
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Receiving Reiki every day can bring about a multitude of physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

Here's a detailed exploration of the advantages:

Mindfulness Practices Woman Posing

Stress Reduction

and Relaxation

Mindfulness Practices Woman Meditating

Improved Sleep


Mindfulness Practices Woman Doing Yoga

Energetic Balance

Mindfulness Practices Women Meditating

Enhanced Immune

System Function

Mindfulness Practices Woman Doing Tapping Meditation

Emotional Healing

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Increased Energy


Mindfulness Practices Women Meditating



Mindfulness Practices Woman Journaling

Enhanced Mental


Mindfulness Practices Woman Reading

Pain Management

Mindfulness Practices Women Meditating

Emotional Release

Mindfulness Practices Woman Journaling

Spiritual Growth

and Clarity

Mindfulness Practices Woman Posing with Flower

Promotes Self-Love

and Self-Care

Endless Reiki is your gateway to consistent peace, balance,

and vitality.

Embrace the transformative power of daily Reiki and elevate your everyday existence.

The path to a more radiant

you begins NOW.

Subscribe to your daily

dose of healing!



Unlock the secrets to daily well-being and inner peace with our unique distance Reiki sessions. Traditionally, accessing daily Reiki sessions would require a commitment of nearly $3,000 a month.

Let us make this simple for you.

We're here to guide you through the doorway to improved well-being in just a few days, not weeks or months, with foundational healing practices that will elevate your energy, reduce stress, and distinguish your experience from any other...

All it takes is your commitment to this journey for only $97/month.

Are you in?

Join Today For Only



$ 97

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We're not just offering a service,

we're inviting you to a journey of healing.

Here's why our monthly

subscription plan stands out

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Certified Reiki Masters Only

Expertise You Can Trust:

Our team consists exclusively of certified Reiki Masters with

extensive training and experience. Each practitioner is dedicated to providing the highest standard

of healing, ensuring that you receive powerful and effective Reiki energy in every session.


Proven Success and Satisfaction

Transformative Outcomes: We've proudly served hundreds of clients, each with their own

story of transformation. From significant stress reduction and emotional healing to improved

physical health, our clients' testimonials speak volumes about the life-changing impact of our


Employee on a Phone Call

Convenience and Flexibility

Healing on Your Schedule:

With our monthly plan, receive daily Reiki energy without

disrupting your routine.

Whether you're at home, at work, or on the move, our distant Reiki

sessions are designed to fit seamlessly into your life.

Mindfulness Practices Women Meditating

Holistic Well-being

More Than Just Healing

Endless Reiki supports not just physical health but also emotional

balance and spiritual growth.

Our approach is holistic, addressing the whole person to foster overall well-being.

Emotional support hug

Community and Support

Join a Caring Community: Subscribing to Endless Reiki means becoming part of a supportive community. Beyond receiving Reiki, you'll gain access to resources, insights, and shared

experiences to guide you on your healing journey..

Paying online

Affordable and Accessible

Invest in Your Health:

Our monthly subscription offers an affordable way to incorporate Reiki into your life, making this profound healing practice accessible to everyone seeking change.


Satisfaction Guaranteed

"We're excited to introduce a

14-day free trial of Endless Reiki, showcasing the transformative effect of our daily sessions. Experience the benefits firsthand, and if you decide to continue beyond the trial, there's nothing you need to do. Your journey to balance and peace starts now, risk-free."

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This is a rare find.

Endless Reiki is usully fully booked.

With a limited number of certified Reiki practitioners, we can only accommodate a select number of subscribers to maintain the quality and focus of our energy transmissions.

However, new Reiki Masters arrived on our team and some vacancies were opened today.

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Our Exclusive Offer

Imagine embarking on a transformative journey with daily Reiki sessions,

each traditionally valued at $97.

Opting for daily sessions could amount to a staggering $2,910 per month.

Join Today For Only

$ 97

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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique that allows us to receive a great flow of Vital Energy and rebalance our entire physical, emotional, mental and spiritual system.


Distant Reiki transcends the constraints of physical location through the principle of non-locality, where the healing energy and the practitioner's intention are not limited by space or time.

This advanced form of Reiki allows practitioners to send healing energy to a recipient anywhere in the world, with efficacy identical to that of in-person sessions.

Here in the Satori Wellness Center we specialize in distance Reiki due to our extensive experience over the years with this wonderful practice.

Check out our customer testimonials.

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How Distant Reiki Works

Intention and Connection: The practitioner initiates the session by setting a clear intention to direct healing energy towards the recipient. Utilizing sacred Reiki symbols and focused concentration, they establish an energetic link to the recipient, overcoming the barrier of distance.

Energy Transmission: Our practitioner channels the universal life force, or Ki, directly to you, without the distractions of a video call. This pure energy transcends physical distance, targeting imbalances and areas in need of healing as effectively as a face-to-face session. This approach ensures your experience is both profound and personal, allowing you to receive Reiki in any setting or activity, maximizing the healing process in alignment with your daily life

Equally Effective Healing: Recipients of distant Reiki can receive this energy at any location, without any special preparations. Many enhance their receptivity through relaxation or meditation. The healing energy works to harmonize the chakras, clear blockages, and stimulate the body’s innate healing capacities, demonstrating the same level of effectiveness as traditional, in-person Reiki sessions.

Check out our customer testimonials.


Experience the transformative power of Endless Reiki with our 14-day free trial. Dive into daily Reiki sessions and discover their positive impact. If you're not fully satisfied, simply decide not to continue—

no obligation, no questions asked.

Your journey to wellness begins here, risk-free.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In case you had concerns, here are some frequently asked questions and answers to clear things up.

What is Endless Reiki?

Endless Reiki is a unique subscription service that delivers daily distant Reiki sessions directly to you, no matter where you are in the world. Our certified Reiki practitioners send healing energy to promote your well-being, balance, and energy levels at a predetermined time every day.

How does distant Reiki work?

Distant Reiki works on the principle that energy is not confined to physical space. Our practitioners use focused intention and Reiki symbols to send healing energy across distance, targeting your energy field to support healing, reduce stress, and improve balance and well-being.

At what time do the daily Reiki sessions occur?

Upon subscribing to Endless Reiki, you will receive a personalized email inviting you to select the time for your daily Reiki sessions that best fits your schedule. This flexibility ensures that you can integrate the healing experience into your routine seamlessly, receiving Reiki at the most convenient time for you. Please respond to the email with your preferred time, and we will schedule your sessions accordingly.

Do I need to stop what I'm doing to receive the session?

Not at all. One of the unique benefits of Endless Reiki is its flexibility. Our distance Reiki sessions are designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily life, meaning you can receive Reiki energy whether you're working, relaxing, or even running errands. While some clients prefer to sit or lie down in a quiet space to consciously connect with the healing energy, it's not a requirement. The Reiki energy will reach and benefit you regardless of your activity at the time of the session.

Do the sessions happen via video call?

No, the Endless Reiki sessions do not require video calls. Our Reiki healing is delivered through

distance healing techniques, allowing you to receive the energy without the need for visual or physical presence. This method ensures that you can experience the full benefits of Reiki at your convenience, without disrupting your daily routine or needing to be in front of a screen. It's designed to fit seamlessly into your life, providing healing and balance exactly when and where you need it.

Is Reiki safe for pregnant women?

Absolutely! Reiki is completely safe for pregnant women and comes with no contraindications.

In fact, it offers numerous benefits during pregnancy, including the alleviation of pain and discomfort, and fostering a deeper connection between the mother and her unborn baby.

Reiki promotes relaxation, reduces stress and the possibility of postpartum depression, and can contribute to overall maternal well-being, making it a beneficial complementary practice during this special time.

Can Reiki be beneficial for individuals in hospice care or in intensive care units (ICUs)?

Reiki can be a comforting and supportive addition to the care of individuals receiving end-of-life care or those in ICUs. Its gentle energy can help alleviate stress, promote peace, and assist in managing discomfort. Reiki is used to support holistic well-being, complementing medical care by addressing emotional and spiritual needs in a gentle manner.

Is Reiki suitable for children?

Absolutely, Reiki is suitable and safe for children. It can be particularly beneficial in helping them

manage anxiety, improve sleep, and enhance their overall sense of well-being. Children often respond very positively to the gentle, nurturing energy of Reiki.

Can Reiki help with the grieving process?

Yes, Reiki can be a supportive tool during the grieving process. It can help individuals find a sense of peace, provide emotional balance, and offer comfort during times of loss. Reiki promotes healing by helping individuals connect with inner strength and resilience.

Can Reiki help me improve my sleep quality?

Absolutely. Many of our clients have reported significant improvements in their sleep quality after starting their Endless Reiki sessions. Reiki works by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels, which are often key factors affecting sleep. By harmonizing your body's energy and easing the mind, Reiki can facilitate a deeper, more restorative sleep. While individual experiences may vary, incorporating Reiki into your wellness routine could be a beneficial step towards achieving better sleep and, consequently, enhancing overall well-being.

How can I pay for my subscription?

We are committed to making your experience with Endless Reiki as smooth and accessible as possible, including when it comes to payment. We accept a variety of payment methods to ensure flexibility and convenience for our subscribers. You can pay for your monthly subscription using any of the following options:

Credit and Debit Cards: We accept major credit and debit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and Discover.

Apple Pay: For a quick and secure payment option, use Apple Pay from your Apple devices.

Subscription Renewal

Your Endless Reiki subscription is designed to renew automatically every 30 days to ensure an uninterrupted healing journey. Should you wish to update your payment method or cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time through your account settings or by contacting our support team.

About Us

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At Endless Reiki, part of the Satori Wellness Center, we pride ourselves on our legacy of healing and transformation. With hundreds of clients served, our journey is marked by countless success stories— from profound stress relief and emotional healing to significant physical recoveries.

Our dedicated staff, comprised exclusively of certified Reiki masters, brings not only expertise but also deep compassion and commitment to each session.

We believe in the transformative power of Reiki to harmonize and heal the body, mind, and spirit.

Meet Some of Our Reiki Masters

Elena Martinez

Certified in 2015, transforms stress into serenity with her decade of experience, blending traditional Reiki with deep empathy.

Diana Lu Sakura

Certified in 2014, Diana combines mindfulness with Reiki to offer sessions that promote mental clarity and resilience.

Sophia Williams

Sophia, certified in 2016, focuses on enhancing the body's natural healing processes, offering nurturing support for personal and communal well-being.

Aisha Patel

Third-generation healer, Aisha became a certified Reiki Master in 2013, specializing in emotional and spiritual well-being through compassionate energy healing.


Nina K.,

Silicon Valley


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"Endless Reiki has become an oasis of calm in the storm of running a company, recharging my batteries

and maintaining a clear focus. It’s more than therapy; it's an essential part of my success strategy."

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Brian F., Milwaukee


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"Endless Reiki has brought an unparalleled sense of calm to my classroom and personal life. As a teacher,

maintaining balance is key, and these sessions have enhanced my patience, focus, and connection with

my students."

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Zoe C.,

San Antonio


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"After a sports injury, Endless Reiki accelerated my healing process, reducing downtime and improving

my mental resilience.

It's an integral part of my training and recovery regimen now."

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Sophia L.,



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"As a busy mom, finding time for myself seemed impossible. Endless Reiki has given me the space to

breathe, relax, and rejuvenate amidst the chaos of everyday life. It’s my daily retreat."

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Ava K., Boulder


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"Launching a startup is a rollercoaster of stress and excitement. Endless Reiki has been the balancing

force, keeping me grounded and focused on my vision without burning out."

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Liam G., Asheville


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“Endless Reiki has reminded me to also heal myself, enhancing my energy and resolve to make a difference in the world. In fighting for the planet, it's easy to neglect personal well-being. “

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Nora H.,

Silicon Valley


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"In the tech world, disconnecting is a challenge. Endless Reiki has been my digital detox, helping me

unplug, recharge, and return to work with a clear mind and innovative ideas."

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Diego S., Miami


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"Traveling the world is my passion, but it can be unsettling at times. Endless Reiki keeps me centered

and connected, no matter where I am. It’s like a portable sanctuary. I have enormous gratitude for this experience.”

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Angela M.,

Los Angeles


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“I was initially skeptical about Reiki distance healing, but after a month of being part of Endless Reiki,

my doubts vanished.

It was a profoundly calming experience that left me feeling more centered and at peace.”

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Join Today For Only



$ 97


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Endless Reiki and the services provided by the Satori Wellness Center are intended to support overall

well-being and complement traditional medical and psychological treatments. They are not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment, or psychotherapy. We are not licensed medical professionals, and our services should not be construed as medical advice or medical treatment.

The practice of Reiki is a form of energy healing that aims to promote balance within the body and

support the body's natural healing processes. While many clients report positive outcomes, including

stress relief and improved emotional well-being, outcomes can vary, and no specific results can be guaranteed.

Clients are responsible for continuing with their prescribed medical treatments and consulting with their healthcare provider regarding the use of Reiki as an adjunct therapy. If you are experiencing serious health concerns, please seek professional medical attention.

By choosing to use Endless Reiki services, clients acknowledge and agree that they are doing so at their

own risk and discretion. Satori Wellness Center and its practitioners shall not be liable for any claims

whatsoever arising out of or related to the use of our Reiki services.

Thank you for your understanding and for joining us on this journey to wellness.